Importing HTML documents created in other programs into HTML Web Weaver is quite easy.
- Start by opening HTML Web Weaver.
- Open the file to import using the 'Open' command under the 'File' menu.
- When HTML Web Weaver opens the document is checks to see if it was the last program to edit the document, if it wasn't it prompts you asking if you want HTML Web Weaver to scan the document for HTML tags and mark them in your default tag style (see 'Preferences' for how to change the default tag style).
- If you choose NOT to scan for tags you can use the 'Scan for Tags' command under the Edit menu at anytime to invoke HTML Web Weaver's scan and tag function.
- You can also choose 'Scan for Special Characters' which will cause HTML Web Weaver to scan your document for special characters (ie. ´, ã, ò, etc.) and replaces them with the required HTML tags (ie. ´ ã ò etc.).